
Nutrition is the only remedy that can bring full recovery and can be used with any treatment. Remember, food is our best medicine!     

Bernard Jensen

Learning about healthy lifestyles including food and nutrition, physical activity, and the ability to relax is integral to wellbeing and self-confidence at any age. Kids Capers provide all meals at Kids Capers Bald Hills, Clayfield, Northgate, North Lakes, Mango Hill, Nambour, Scarborough and Samford.

At Kids Capers we pride ourselves on providing children with good, whole food and nutrition which is prepared onsite daily.  Our menus are rotated on a four weekly basis, ensuring all children are provided with a variety of wholesome food, regardless of their enrolled days.

All our teams are trained in the needs of children with allergies or special dietary requirements, and we ensure the strictest criteria are met to accommodate individual needs.

We encourage fussy eaters to try new foods. Often in a group setting children are more adventurous in their eating and welcome the idea of trying new food.

On a daily basis we offer breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a late afternoon snack. All meals are included as part of the normal fee structure.